Small Sounds Music Education is committed to providing young children with a creative outlet for self-expression through our preschool music classes. We understand the importance of music in childhood development and believe that every baby and toddler should have access to these enriching experiences. Join us in our mission to provide local rural children with the tools they need to succeed in life through the power of music.
Our Musical Mission
Inspiration is Instrumental
The idea for 'Small Sounds Music Education' began close to home.
Small Sounds' Founders, Caitlin and Dani, are qualified teachers and first-time mothers to 2 year olds. Their little ones, Stiofan and Ari, are filled with endless energy and their curious minds quickly absorb everything the world has to offer them. As all parents know, most babies and small children love to sing and move with along music, and this has been no different for Stiofan and Ari.
Early interactions with the boys surprised Caitlin and Dani because although the toddlers could not yet speak, they seemed to be able to "sing" along to nursery rhymes. Their nonsensical baby-babble was often in tune and, at times, even had the correct number of syllables! How could babies possibly achieve this?
Research into the positive impacts of music on all areas of child development (language, emotional, social, psychological, intellectual and physical) caused Cailtin and Dani to seek out local musical programs that would provide Stiofan and Ari with vital exposure to musical skills.
When they were unable to find anything suitable, Caitlin and Dani realised that, between them, they had the skills and motivation to bring a new child-focused service to Griffith, so that all local children would have the opportunity to access early childhood music education and gain skills that are essential to their physical, social, intellectual and emotional development.
Musicians in the Making

Stiofán is an adventurous and mischievous 18 month old who enjoys singing songs in English and in Irish with his Mum and Dad at home. He especially loves matching up the words of songs with the corresponding dance actions.
Stiofán enjoys listening to all music genres although his favourite dancing music is traditional Irish Music - he loves to mimic the Irish dancing steps by stomping his feet in time with the music. Stiofán is also a keen maraca player and loves playing his Mum’s tin whistle while she plays the flute at home.

Ari is almost two years old. He enjoys singing to himself when he is playing independently at home, but has even more fun when he gets to sing along with nursery rhymes and do all the actions with his Mum or Dad.
Ari's favourites songs include 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star', 'Baa, Baa Black Sheep, 'Wheels on the Bus' and 'ABCD'. Everyday, as his language skills develop, Ari's lyrics are becoming more and more accurate. Recently, his Grandma gifted him a recorder of all things! Ari loves to make "music" with his new instrument.